Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The Item property retrieves a MetaPropertySet object by using the object's index.


objMetaPropertySets.Item(index) As MetaPropertySet



[in]  Specifies the item to retrieve. This parameter must be a numerical index in the range from 0 to MetaPropertySets.Count minus 1, or a String containing the name of the object. See Remarks.

Error Codes

If the property fails, an error is raised and Err.Number is set to a value other than zero.

Return Values

This property returns a MetaPropertySet object.


When index is a String, this method is equivalent to MetaPropertySets.ItemWithName.

This property is the default member of the object, and you do not need to specify the property name when you retrieve it.

Example Code

' Retrieve the 25th item in the collection.
Dim objMetaPropertySet As MetaPropertySet
objMetaProperty = objMetaPropertySets.Item(24)
' The following is equivalent, because this is the default property.
objMetaProperty = objMetaPropertySets(24)

See Also